The key advantage of our company
Our engineering in action
On the example of the floor arrangement for the largest transport and logistics center of Belarus "Prilesye"
  1. Защита стен Прилесье
    Protection of walls and various structures (preparation)
  2. Укладывание полиэтиленовой плёнки
    Laying of polyethylene film
  3. Армирование стаканов колонн
    Additional reinforcement of column cups with reinforcement mesh
  4. Дополнительное армирование
    Additional reinforcement of the most loaded areas of the floor
  5. Установка несъёмной опалубки
    Installation of non-removable formwork, which is a temperature-deformation seam
  6. Засыпка фибры
    Filling of steel fiber through a fiber blower into a concrete mixer truck on a concrete node
  7. Приёмка бетонной смеси
    Acceptance of concrete mix
  8. Вибрирование примыканий
    Vibrating with a deep vibrator of abutments to maps and walls
  9. Разравниваем смесь
    Manual leveling of concrete mix
  10. Выравнивание бетонной смеси
    Vibrating and leveling of concrete mix using a "Laser-Screed" type concrete paver
  11. Выравнивание контрольной рейкой
    Leveling with a control rail
  12. Устройство примыканий
    The device of abutments with the help of a rule and a grater
  13. Использование бетонно-отделочных машин
    The breakdown of the concrete surface with the help of concrete finishing machines on disks
  14. Нанесение топпинга
    Application of a strengthening compound by a topping trolley
  15. 15.jpg
    Leveling of the reinforcing compound
  16. 16.jpg
    The device of abutments with the help of an edge concrete finishing machine
  17. 17.jpg
    Smoothing of topping on discs and blades
  18. 18.jpg
    Application of a membrane educator
  19. 19.jpg
    Ready-made industrial floor in the Prilesye transport and logistics center

Ground base in simple words

Preparation of the soil base
Get advice on the ground foundation
for your object on a free consultation

GROUND BASE Definition of the concept

The ground base is a layer of soil on which the underlying layer or supports under the logs are arranged.

If you look at it from the point of view of loads, then the ground base is an array of soil located under the foundation and perceiving the load from the entire building. The load transmitted by the foundation causes a stressed state in the base and deforms it.

When installing floors, if the original foundation is unpaved, it is necessary to find out what it is in its structure. How strong are the differences and in most cases, its alignment is required.

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POSTAL DETAILSActual address:109147, Moscow, B.Andronevskaya str., 23, building 1, floor 8, room 4, office of PROFTEHPOL companyPhone number for details:8 800 550 90
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