The term "shopping and entertainment centers" can be divided into several categories, such as supermarkets (large and small), shops, shopping complexes, shopping and entertainment centers, etc. All these businesses are places where there are a lot of visitors all the time.
The design of floors in shopping and entertainment centers differs significantly from residential and public buildings. Up to 10-15 types of materials can be used in one complex to meet the requirements for load and cross-country ability.
The requirements for floors in shopping malls and stores are diverse, but the main ones are high resistance to wear, attractive appearance, ease of care and durability.
Floors must also meet such requirements as decorativeness, absence of dust, ability to withstand various loads, noise and lightning insulation, the possibility of repairs.
Large shopping malls are divided into different zones, and each zone requires a certain type of flooring. For example, utility rooms can be covered with a thickness of 0.10-0.70 mm, cargo areas – rough or smooth quartz.
For utility rooms, it is recommended to use coatings with a thickness of 0.10 to 0.70 mm. This will ensure the necessary strength and durability of this floor.
Cargo areas require a rough or smooth floor made of quartz-epoxy material with a thickness of 1.50 to 4.00 mm. Such a floor is able to withstand heavy loads and has high wear resistance.
For sales halls, checkout areas and entrance areas, it is recommended to use self-leveling smooth floors. The thickness of such a floor can be from 1.50 to 4.00 mm. Sand coatings with a thickness of 5.00 to 6.00 mm are also an option. Both of these options have excellent wear resistance and resistance to damage.
For parking, it is recommended to use a rough or smooth floor made of quartz-epoxy material with a thickness of 1.50 to 6.00 mm. Such a floor has excellent moisture resistance and resistance to damage from automotive equipment.
Currently, the choice of a suitable floor covering in shopping and entertainment centers (SEC) is an important aspect in the design and construction. Different zones require different types of floors, taking into account functionality and wear resistance requirements. Several types of floors recommended for shopping malls are described below, which will provide strength, durability and style.
For rooms where there are no high loads, such as utility rooms, it is recommended to use coatings with a thickness of 0.10 to 0.70 mm. This will provide the necessary strength and durability for this type of premises.
Cargo areas where goods and cargo are moved and redistributed require a special type of floor. A rough or smooth floor made of quartz-epoxy material with a thickness of 1.50 to 4.00 mm is an ideal choice. Such a floor is able to withstand heavy loads and has a high degree of wear resistance, which guarantees its durability for a long time.
It is recommended to use self-leveling smooth floors for trading halls, checkout areas and entrance areas in the shopping center. The thickness of such a floor can be from 1.50 to 4.00 mm.
The optimal solution for the requirements for a surface with high environmental friendliness are self-leveling polymer coatings. Among them, polyurethane and epoxy mixtures can be distinguished, each of which has certain properties. For example, polyurethane coatings are highly resistant to vibrations, which makes them essential for shopping malls where there are significant loads.
Industrial polymer floors are highly resistant to chemical influences. They are easy to care for and install, and also have a dust-free and airtight coating.