The client formulated his need as follows: a highly aesthetic seamless polymer coating capable of withstanding intense pedestrian loads and dynamic loads from the movement of service vehicles, designed for a long time of operation. At this facility, the task was set to equip an open area with sidewalks around the attraction "Sweet Carousel" on the territory of Hello Kitty.
It was decided to perform a fiber-concrete screed on a foundation plate with different elevations, with an additional device of HDPE pipes for engineering communications and the installation of inspection hatches, the device of a deformation seam around the foundation of the attraction and the installation of a curb stone along the sidewalks. As a coating, make a multilayer polymer structure, which includes a decorative film with a color pattern, filled with a transparent epoxy compound, on which a high-strength matte varnish is applied on top.
The following aspects were important to the customer: